2019 Programme of Meetings
We meet on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Hopelands Village Hall.
Any events not following this pattern will be noted in red |
14 January
Uganda and BackAn illustrated talk by Pru Lloyd about her travels in Uganda over 9 days last year
There will be a sale table of crafts made by the Kanjobi Women’s Group. |
11 February
The Teddy Trust
Ellie Targett will tell us about this charity which sends teddy bears to deprived children.
Donations of bears are welcome on the night. |
11 March
Fitness Can Be Fun
Mandy Harrison will show ways of keeping fit to music. Join in the fun, suitable for all ages and abilities.
Wear something comfortable. |
8 April
The Cart Shed
A demonstration of outdoor skills taught as therapy for people suffering mental health issues.
13 May
The Midwife Calls
Irene Whittall will entertain us with stories from her career as a midwife.
10 June
River Voices
Marsha O’Mahony to discuss her oral history project recording stories from people along the River Wye. Copies of her book will be on sale.
8 July
Summer Garden Party
Pimms, puddings and loads of fun (venue tba). This annual event is a staple of the Weobley WI calendar.
12 August
Batik Painting
Beccy Haydon will demonstrate the art of painting onto batik fabric and then let us try our hand at this art form.
9 September
Centenary Celebrations
Celebration of the founding of Weobley WI. John Simon will give an illustrated talk about our first President, Ella Mary Leather.
14 October
Craft Night
Ann Dartnell will instruct us on how to make gorgeous hand-crafted gift boxes and bags.
11 November
Annual Meeting
Election of new President and Committee.
This meeting will include supper and entertainment. |
9 December
Christmas Crafts
A festive evening icing gingerbread tree decorations.