2023/2024 Programme of Meetings
We meet on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Hopelands Village Hall.
Any events not following this pattern will be noted in red |
17 April |
Electrifying Everyday LifeRev Prebendary Mike Kneen on the pros and cons of electric vehicles.
15 May |
Signing for Fun and FunctionLynda Styles to demonstrate common signing for visually impaired people.
12 June |
A Life on the StreetsIan Purcell from Vennture to talk about this Hereford charity helping young people to be safe on the streets.
10 July |
Summer Garden PartyPimms & Puddings Garden Party/Teddy Bears Picnic
14 August |
Five Stick WeavingSandra Soanes to give a demonstration on this ancient craft.
11 September |
Handmade Leather GoodsSarah Williams to give a demonstration of leatherworking, with members able to have a go themselves.
9 October |
Midlands Air AmbulanceKate Bristow to give a talk on this amazing self-funded charity. Raffle proceeds to go to MAA.
13 November |
Guide Dogs for the BlindTalk on the training process for guide dogs. Two retired guide dogs and one working dog will come.
11 December |
Christmas Party!Special supper, mulled cider and a craft session to create a bauble hanging Christmas decoration.
8 January
Escape from German Custody in WWIIEllie Somme talk about her father's book "Another Man's Shoes".
Artisan ChocolatesMariana Pavlova - Chocolate tastings and sales.
Annual MeetingElection of President followed by a fun night.