2021 Programme of Meetings
We meet on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Hopelands Village Hall.
Any events not following this pattern will be noted in red |
January to April - Meetings were suspended due to covid-19. From May outdoor events were allowed so we adapted our activities to comply with the rules.
18 May
Coffee Morning
Drop in to an outdoor marque at Orchard Gardens for a coffee, tea, cake and catch up. Please note that this event is on a Tuesday not our usual Monday.
21 June
Weobley Bowling Club is inviting us along to have a go. There will be a bowling lesson followed by a supper
12 July
Summer Garden Party
This annual event is a staple of the Weobley WI calendar. This year will be held at The Stawne and will include Prosecco and puddings, a quiz and a treasure hunt.
From September restrictions were lifted so we could re-commence holding our meetings indoors at Hopelands Village Hall.
13 September
"Beyond The Looking Glass"
Ann Hatton will give a talk on her work in Romanian orphanages
11 October
"The Beauty Of Japan"
Penny Platt will talk about her travels though Japan
8 November
"Nurse Lily Gaynor"
John Butterworth will talk about the nurse who, in 1957, changed Guinea-Bissau forever
13 December
Christmas Buffet and Silent Auction
A Christmas buffet followed by a silent auction with all proceeds going to charity